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Happy New Year By Rael Isacowitz

January 5, 2018

My Dear Friends:

First and foremost – HAPPY NEW YEAR! I have no doubt that 2018 is going to be an amazing and VERY eventful year for BASI. I was supposed to be fasting earlier this week in preparation for my surgery. Instead I was able to indulge in a glass of scotch with a feeling of excitement and joy in my heart.

When I went to see the surgeon for a pre-operation examination. I told him that in December I taught 2 high level programs (Master l and ll), I did 3 huge photoshoots of all the Mentor, Master l and ll material (400+ exercises), of course practiced Pilates and achieved some of my best times on a standup paddleboard – he looked at me and said, “…and why are we doing surgery”?

In all honesty after surviving the 5-day grueling photoshoot of the Master l and ll exercises I did start wondering about postponing the surgery. Adelle also started “interrogating” me as to the reasons I am doing the surgery. My answer, “If I can get the anatomy of my shoulder back to 95%, I can get my work back to 100%”. Well the truth is 100% is relative. I am not going to be 100% of a 40 or 50-year-old person, but I can be 100% of a 62-year-old person, with compromised shoulders.

In short, when I saw the surgeon last my pain and shoulder dysfunction were both at around 7-9. Through diligent Pilates over the past 6 months (plus the help of some wonderful professionals) I have managed to bring both the pain and dysfunction down to around 2-4. So, at present, I am spared the knife. As he said, “I am always here if you need me down the road. Hopefully you never will”.

Your incredible support and good wishes have meant the world to me. For now, I need fill up my glass and drink a toast!

I love you all,

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