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Beauty Beyond the Physical

This 2-day workshop will provide everything a Pilates teacher should know about breast cancer and rehabilitation in a comprehensive Pilates context.

Explore a comprehensive workshop dedicated to women's wellness, with a special emphasis on breast cancer awareness. Delve into a multitude of subjects ranging from reconstructive procedures and the intricacies of the lymphatic system to osteoporosis, menopause, and lymphedema. Discover insights into maintaining mobility in the upper extremities, understanding fascia, and navigating the psychological aspects of illness. Uncover guidance on maintaining intimacy and relationships, embracing body changes, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits including weight management and nutrition. Engage in mindfulness practices, enhance body awareness, and learn strategies for coping with scars and managing fear. Additionally, gain valuable information about breast cancer organizations and be inspired by the remarkable story of Eve Gentry, a pioneer in Pilates who triumphed over breast cancer to achieve a distinguished career, as showcased in the Eve Gentry documentary.

Deadline to register is 09/19/24. For questions or additional information, please contact [email protected].

This course is also available as an online option.

Sep 24, 2024 - Sep 25, 2024

BASI Pilates - Newport Beach

20361 Irvine Ave, Suite B3, Newport Beach, United States of America, 92660, California

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